What Lord Shiva expects from us??🤔🤔
The following incidents from Lord Shiva purana and lives of his devotees explains this:⚘⚘
Daksha conducted a grand YAGNA. Yagna is usually done for honouring the Devas and for the welfare of the people. But here his intention was to INSULT LORD SHIVA😑
Kamadeva(Manmadha) awakens Lord Shiva with a FLOWER arrow🌼. But here his intention was to DISTURB LORD SHIVA's MEDITATION.🤕
Sakkiya nayanar is one of the 63 nayanars. He worshipped Lord Shiva by throwing a STONE a day at the lingam. But here his intention was to SHOW LORD SHIVA HIS PURE DEVOTION.😇
Kannappa nayanar was one of the 63 nayanars. He would present the FLESH of the hunted animal to Lord Shiva. But here his intention was to show his UNIMAGINABLE DEVOTION TO LORD SHIVA.😍
So What happened????
Veerbhadra destroyed Yagna of Daksha and cut Daksha's head.😠
Kamadeva was burnt to ashes by Lord Shiva.😭
Sakkiya nayanar and Kannappar were accepted by Lord Shiva as his greatest devotees.😘😘
So What do we learn???
It's not the offering which is given to Lord Shiva matters, but the intention or devotion behind the offering matters.😉
So Lord Shiva expects pure devotion from us and not any grand offerings without devotion.
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